Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Quick and Easy Tonight!

Months and months ago my cousin, Rachel, suggested that I create a cooking blog.  I laughed it off and said "sure!"  But I was extremely flattered nontheless.  Because you see, we both grew up in this food-filled-family.  And Rachel is, in her own right an extremely talented lady.  In addition to being a caring, loving mother of two rambunctious, blonde, scamps, she's a wonderful teacher who's working on her master's degree. BUT...that's not all!  She's also one of the best make-up artists you'll ever have the privilege to watch at work, with a blog of her own.  I have photographic proof!

So when I say I was flattered, you'll now understand what a compliment I found it.  It took me a while to get up the nerve and decide that I really could do this thing.  I've written before...and I love to write...so I just needed to get motivated.  Well now I am!  And today's menu is dedicated to Rachel's little boy Noah, because he does this happy little dance whenever he hears about "Sloppy Joe's."  And it's the cutest little dance I ever did see!  Here's to Noah...

Some nights, you just don't want a big sit-down dinner with good plates and multiple courses.  But you still want to serve a home-cooked meal.  This is a GREAT option!  It's simple and inexpensive.  And as with a good portion of my menu choices, it includes just one pound of ground beef.  My other ingredients are 1/4 of a large, sweet onion,1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire Sauce, 2 tablespoons of ketchup, 1 tablespoon of mustard, 1 tablespoon of barbeque sauce, 1 can of tomato sauce, and 4 packets of Splenda (or a tablespoon of sugar if you'd rather).

Start by sauteing your finely chopped onion in either a tablespoon of butter or vegetable oil on low heat.  Once the onions are translucent, add the ground beef to the pan and turn up the heat!  Now, sprinkle in your 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper, and open those 4 packets of Splenda into the mix. Start stirring that around a bit, then add the Worcestershire Sauce.  Cook this until the meat is nice and brown.

As soon as the meat has browned, add the remaining ingredients.  Your "Joe's" should be thick and tomato-y.  Yes...that's my word for today!  Now, I prefer mine to be a little on the "tart" side.  But this is where you'll want to taste and increase any ingredient you feel it needs.  Sometimes...I add a bit more mustard.  And sometimes...I add a bit more barbeque sauce.  But sometimes...it's already just right!

To serve these, I just put the cooked meat in a bowl and put it on the table.  Everyone makes their own sandwich with whatever fixin's they prefer.  I like mine with just a bit of mayo and some sliced American cheese on wheat bread.  My mother likes to add pickles, and leaves off the cheese.  My husband will only eat these on hamburger buns.  To each his own!

Not only is this an easy weeknight meal, it's a great large gathering plan.  You cook the meat, and set out all of the different sides.  Just increase each ingredient exactly for each pound of ground beef.

Eat up!  And don't be too sloppy!

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