Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chicken soup...good for body and soul

We don't often get cold nights.  In fact, we spend most of our "winter" months in the 60's here on the Gulf Cost of Texas.  So when they do happen, we like to take advantage.  Everyone pulls out the lovely full-length wool coat that just had to be purchased, even though it's completely unnecessary.  I dig mine out of the back of the closet.  It's now 25 years old and "retro." But I suppose since I haven't had a lot of opportunities to wear it, it's stayed very nice. And there's the added still fits!

I also take the opportunity on these cold nights to make my family eat something that's good for them.  Like chicken soup.  I tend to get this heavy sigh and eye rolling, especially from my husband, when I announce any kind of "soup" for dinner.  It can be difficult to get it substantial enough to make it worth the effort of eating.  So of course, I work extra hard at it!  And tonight...EVERYONE enjoyed their dinner, even my 2 year old AND my husband.

As with just about everything else I cook, my soup consists of very simple ingredients: 2 large, boneless, skinless chicken breasts; 1/4 of a large sweet onion; 3 celery stalks; 3 good sized carrots; 1 tablespoon of butter; 1 teaspoon of salt; 1/4 teaspoon of pepper; 1 26ounce carton of chicken stock; 2 cups of frozen corn; and 1/4 of a box of low-carb spaghetti noodles.

I started my soup base with the onion, celery, and carrots.  Chopping them pretty small, I sauteed them in a tablespoon of butter (if you can't use butter, vegetable oil works just fine). Set the fire on low heat and sautee just until the onions are translucent.  The fragrance of these three in that pot will start your mouth to watering!

While my veggies are cooking, I chop my chicken breasts into cubes.  If you do this while they're still partly frozen, it makes the job a lot easier.  I like them cut into small cubes for two reasons.  First, because they go further.  Secondly, because they cook a lot faster if they're in smaller pieces.

As soon as you see the veggie mix is ready, add the chicken to the pot and turn it to high heat.  Put in 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper then pour in the carton of chicken stock.  I usually take the empty carton and add the same amount of water to the pot.  Bring this to a boil and cover it with a lid.  Because the chicken pieces are so small, it should only take about 15 minutes or so for them to cook through.  Just watch them closely.

Once the chicken appears to be good and cooked (it should be completely white), add the 2 cups of frozen corn and 1/4 teaspoon of salt.  Continue boiling.

Next you'll add the spaghetti.  I usually break the noodles into three pieces, about two inches long each.  This way the pasta doesn't take over the soup.  Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt with the noodles.

A quick note about case anyone is wondering.  Every time you add a vegetable, or anything for that matter, to the pot you need to add salt for that ingredient as if you were cooking it alone.  You still end up using much less salt this way, and if you don't I promise you'll see the shaker being used at the table.

Let the soup boil until the noodles are soft.  And then you're ready to eat!  Pour it up into bowls and watch them enjoy!  We did!  And this delicious soup only took a little less than an  hour, including prep time.  It's worth every minute.  I promise!

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